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SASSIE listings (PUBLIC)
Search all your PRIVATE SASSIE Job Boards at once ✓ SASS-Watch
Update all your SASSIE Shopper Profiles at once ✓ SASS-Sync
Speed up signups to new SASSIE accounts ✓ SASS-Express
Email Shops to you ✓ SlingMe
Text Message Shops to you ✓ SlingMe
One login for all your SASSIE accounts ✓ SASS-Master
Receive personal invites from NEW schedulers ✓ Reachout

SASS-Sync (with SASS-Express)
Update all your SASSIE profiles at once!

SASS-Watch - search all your
Job Boards at once!

SlingMe - Get shops emailed
and texted to you!

SASS-Master - Login once to get
one-click access to all your SASSIE

ReachOut - Get invites from new
schedulers having a hard time
filling shops in your area!